SUNDAY 1st December 2019 (11am to 5pm)


The event is held annually which started by the community of Whalley in 1988

The event in recent years has held host to about 5000 visitors. This year various activities and entertainment are planned. This includes:

Music from pipe and brass bands

Morris Dancing in the street throughout the day

Children’s entertainment

Father Christmas

Over 30 indoor and outdoor stalls ranging from Gifts, Cards, Christmas Fare, Festive Foods, Hot Foods and Tombola’s

Sunday trading by many of our local businesses and shops.

The Whalley Pickwick Committee is a voluntary run organisation, who arranges and hosts the Famous Pickwick Night Festivities.

Any profit made on the night and other various fundraising activities are put back into the local community, through supporting good causes and local good needs.


This years event is being held on a Sunday foir the first time in over 30 years.

To be held on 1st December 2019 beween the hours of 11am and 5pm with the Christmas tree switch on at 5pm and other activies planned in the local pubs from 6pm.

A number of major changes have been planned to reshape the annual seasonal Whalley Pickwick celebrations. This means moving it from an evening event on a Thursday to a weekend daytime event to be held on a Sunday for the first time.

This year we plan to have stalls on the Co-op car park, childrens rides and attractions and a craft market in the Whalley Village Hall. Other activities planned are "Whalley Pickwick at the Salvage Yard" (Back of King Street), Indoor Stalls and Santa's Grotto at the Methodist Hall, Activities and stalls at The Old Grammar School and refeshments and Bell Ringing at the Parish Church.

We are also pleased that many of the high street shops will be open during the event.

Any correspondence for those who wish to pass on their comments of support, ideas and feedback about the future of the event, can be emailed to info@whalleypickwick.org.uk for the attention of the committee.

The Whalley Pickwick Committee

or contact us for more details by email


Stall Traders Please email:
